ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers
How to use the ETS competence model in my work?

A self-assessment of your competences, either through more general questions or by using a specific tool for it, is one of the ways to use the ETS competence model. But its applicability is wider than that. In this section, we would like to offer you some of the examples and ways of using the ETS competence model in practice.  

The ETS competence model for youth workers  is the newer member of the ETS competence models family and as such, it does not have so many tools for its practical implementation already developed. 

Nonetheless, the ETS competence model for trainers has some materials that could serve as an inspiration:

In addition, there are a number of examples that have been developed by youth workers out there, some of them going through the YOCOMO residential process themselves. 

Ilaria Mardocco talks about using the competence model for assessment of competences during 2 training courses. The approach includes pirate maps as well! :)

Source: Practice example Boards and Maps by Ilaria Marocco, from SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre on YouTube.

Sergio Urso, a former YOCOMO participant, presents his famous “molecula” approach for deconstructing and then making links between different elements within a competence area. Polystyrene balls and wooden sticks (and some competence as well) are all you need!

Source: Practice example Molecula by Sergio Urso, from SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre on YouTube.

Patricia Amaro, together with her colleagues Antonela Kotsoni, Roberta Lanzalaco and Vanya Noteva developed a training course: REPLAY, which was dedicated to the ETS competence model for youth workers! In this video, Patricia takes us step by step through this experience.

Source: Practice example Replay training by Patricia Amaro, from SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre on YouTube.

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