Youth worker competences
Networking and advocating

Involves developing and managing partnerships with other relevant actors. Youth work does not happen isolated from the rest of the world. Youth workers facilitate networking with others and advocate for the value of youth work. They are conscious about (political) values and beliefs at play in youth work and support young people in developing independent ‘political thought’.

  • support partnerships with other actors

  • take a pro-active role in networking with other actors and organisations/structures in line with the interest of the young people

  • take a pro-active role in working on the political dimension of networking, making steps towards concrete actions

  • use social relationships as a resource towards overcoming structural and systemic obstacles

  • promote and explain the [learning] potential of international mobility experiences

  • transfer/share knowledge of youth and social rights and related formal regulations with potential partners and the young people

  • where relevant, overcome resistance to new partnerships through assessing the potential of that given partnership

  • addresses power relations in a way that primarily focuses on the interest of the young people

  • role-model and stimulate self-reflection and discussion around privilege in the society and how to use personal privileges for acting in solidarity

  • encourage equity in relationships

  • deal with and use media in a careful manner, ensuring the safety and rights of young people, other stakeholders

  • use digital media and tools proficiently to spread and disseminate positive and supportive messages and as platforms to act in solidarity

  • advocate for digital rights, closing digital divide and positive impact of digitalisation on societies

  • knowledge about youth policy and youth work in one’s own context (community, region, etc.)

  • knowledge of the socio-political and economic background of the young people

  • knowledge of the needs of the community

  • knowledge about youth rights

  • knowledge about mobility-related regulations regarding young people

  • knowledge about media and promotion mechanisms with regard to youth work, as well as rules and regulations, including copyright

  • knowledge about digital tools for networking and collaboration, and more inclusive approaches

  • knowledge of advocacy approaches and methods in a youth work context

  • knowledge of which structures and systems favour more solidarity for/with all

  • knowledge of how structural and systemic obstacles can limit people’s possibility to act in solidarity

  • knowledge of the potential and limitations of online solidarity and its polarities

  • knowledge of the importance of global solidarity

  • ability to identify relevant partners in different environments (especially in an international setting)

  • ability to identify and name the European/international dimension in one’s work

  • ability to network with a variety of external systems and actors

  • ability to transfer/communicate and share the learning potential of international mobility experiences

  • ability to include other community members during or after the project for wider impact

  • ability to identify underlying privilege and power relations and mechanisms, and to assess their consequences and potential for acts of solidarity

  • ability to research and access relevant information

  • ability to create and disseminate digital contents as videos, podcasts, memes, digital presentation formats etc.

  • willingness to collaborate with other actors and stakeholders

  • appreciation of the added value of new partnership and collaboration opportunities

  • being careful regarding young people’s safety and well-being (and of all people who are involved)

  • readiness to allow being confronted with other views and work approaches

  • readiness to accept compromise while guaranteeing young people’s interests and rights

  • readiness to embrace solidarity as a concept that treats people as equals

With the support and the contribution of:

With the support and the contribution of:

© Steered and implemented 2025 by SALTO Training & Cooperation Resource Centre