A bit of background
The four dimensions of the competence model

In the competence model, we focus on the following four dimensions: attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviours.

  • • Attitudes (the youth worker’s willingness) are the pre-requisite, the foundation for competence development. They lead to

  • • knowledge (gained through experience, books, the Internet, etc.) and

  • • skills (ability to perform a task, to apply knowledge and turn attitudes into actions), which will then lead to

  • • appropriate and contextual behaviour.

Therefore, behaviour encompasses attitudes [and actions], knowledge, and skills. Through behaviour we can assess the competence level of the youth worker and whether it is sufficient for his/her work. In short: behaviour reflects the underlying attitudes of a youth worker.

Feel free to use behaviour as the starting point to develop indicators and tools to accompany this competence model.

Imagine the competence framework as a pyramid or cylinder, but in no way as something linear. Competences are dynamic and all its elements are interrelated and interdependent.

There is no hierarchy between the various elements mentioned in each competence area (under attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviours, respectively). The elements mentioned first are no more important than those mentioned last.

With the support and the contribution of:

With the support and the contribution of:

© Steered and implemented 2025 by SALTO Training & Cooperation Resource Centre